Monday, January 4, 2010

Media 150

Media 150 has been an interesting class. Because of this course, I now look at the different kinds of media that I consume with more knowledge. The lecture courses taught by Kelly Anderson and Martin Lucas were informative and increased by knowledge of different kinds of media that I previously had no experience with beforehand. For example, I love film, but I had little idea of the work behind making films. Because of their instruction on film techniques and tools, I now have a better idea of filmmaking. One of my favorite experiences in the course was the lighting assignment, which let the students have a hands-on idea of the all work it takes to set up lighting on set. I was surprised that it took so much time and so much care to set up lighting.

Another aspect of the course that I enjoyed was working with HTML and CSS to make our website. I had some experience with HTML when making personal websites many years ago, but I did not have the chance to use my capabilities for academic work before. Knowing some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS gave me a feeling of accomplishment, and I was able to give my Media 150 website a more personal touch.

I find it unfortunate that we had so little time to do much of the hands-on work in Media 150. However, the course is a great attempt at instructing film and media students in a variety of mediums, that will no doubt prove useful in our media-making in the future.

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